December 2022 Expectations & Goals

Leona Reed
4 min readDec 3, 2022


December 03, 2022

Since this is my birth month, I have been expecting more and good from December. Likewise, everyone whose day/month/thing it is he/she expects good from that, this is the case with me too.

It is the last month of the year and the last Ber month. Everyone has expectations and goals for the new year and last month. This will be the last goal-setting/sharing blog of the year 2022.

Rusty seems to be upset with me as he pays a visit only three or four days, and with a smaller rewards. I guess the last time I saw him was four days back. Thanks to @Coolmidwestguy he always encourages me with around half of the Rusty. Thank you sir from the depth of my heart ❤️.

Enough talking off-topic, let’s come to the track and start discussing goals for this month.

The Biggest Goal

As usual let me share that the biggest goal in my life, nowadays, is to focus on my education, as I believe that each & everything can be achieved if I study and work hard.

Let me discuss my goals for,, Hive, and Medium platforms, keeping in view my previous experience. Since you would also have some knowledge that I couldn’t accomplish most of my November Goals, which you can read at Report: November 2022, it was due to certain reasons, already discussed in the report. Publications

My first goal is to publish on daily basis. I know it is very dificult but I have been trying my level best to achieve this goal. More or less, I have been accomplishing my goals.

The goal is to publish one per day including Week # X activities, however, I will not go so hard on myself, and give some relaxation to myself keeping in view the busy schedule of myself.

I will have to publish 29 to 33 articles in December 2022. Same as I set last month, though I couldn’t accomplished that.

Daily To-Dos

Another goal is about the Daily To-Dos

  1. read 7 to 10 articles in
  2. like and leave comments on 7 to 10 articles in read dot cash
  3. upvote 7 to 10 blogs in
  4. read articles on Hive Network
  5. share 3–5 posts in noise dot app and Noise dot Cash


  1. To get 10 to 20 new followers in As of November 30, 2022, I had 109 subscribers.
  2. To get 74 new followers. As of October 31, 2022, I had 326 followers in and I hope it will reach 500 by the end of December 2022.
  3. Medium: To get around 60 followers by the end of December.
  4. Sponsors: To get 2 to 4 new sponsors in However, I will NOT count it as a goal but rather I’m expecting to get 2 to 4 new sponsors.
  5. Affiliates: Another expectation is to get two (2) new affiliates in,
  6. Hive Network: Expecting to get more or less 50 followers in Hive Network . Goals/Expectations

Despite the fact, I will continue posting in on regular basis and will share two to five (3 to 5). About getting new subscribers, I’m not sure how many. However, I expect to get up to 25 new subscribers by the end of December. Apart from this I will expect to earn 0.10 USD from noise dot cash by the end of this month.

Give Time to Hive/Ecency/PeakD

Honestly, I don’t know what’s the main difference between Ecency & PeakD. What I know is both works under same network which is Hive Network. What matters for me is that I can access my account from both Ecency and PeakD.

Due to my busyness in read dot cash & noise dot app platforms, in studies, final year project and other activities, I couldn’t give proper time to show my presence in the Ecency/Hive and remain inactive.

It is one of the planned goals to give more time and perform more activities in Hive Network. I will publish at least 08 posts in Hive Network by the end of December 2022.

Earnings Goal

That is the very interesting part, earnings. My final goal is to earn 0.30 BCH to 0.45 BCH in total.

  1. 0.22 to 30 BCH from,
  2. 0.15 to 0.20 BCH from
  3. More or less $ 0.10 from
  4. Don’t know about medium earning however expecting to earn more or less $10 in December 2022.
  5. At least something in Hive Network, still not sure how much Hive or HBD

About Medium

That is first day I joined Medium. I don’t know much but I hope to have some knowledge, thanks @LiquidOcelotYT I have published my first article in Medium, which you can read here. I will hope to get more subscribers and more earnings.

My Gratitude

I am grateful and thankful for your precious time, reading my blogs, supporting, and encouraging me.

The End

That’s all for today. Nothing to say more

If you think my work is interesting and worth appreciation or want more interesting articles, don’t forget to support me.

Stay safe and blessed. Have a great and fantastic time.

Find Me on Other Platforms

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Lead Photo:

  • designed by me using Canva
  • the Green R & logo (in the lead photo) taken from

Originally published at

